Netflix has released the full trailer for its live-action adaptation of Nickelodeon’s animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. The series will consist of eight one hour episodes. Check...
Netflix has released four new character posters for the live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender reboot. The new character posters for the upcoming series see Aang (Gordon...
Sony Pictures has released its first trailer for 28 Years Later, director Danny Boyle’s long-awaited zombie apocalypse sequel. Academy Award®-winning director Danny Boyle and Academy Award®-nominated writer...
Warner Bros. Pictures has released the first official trailer for A Minecraft Movie! From Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures and starring Jason Momoa...
Universal Pictures has released the first official trailer for its live-action adaptation of How to Train Your Dragon, which you can check out below!...
Universal Pictures has released the first offical trailer for Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy! Two-time Academy Award® winner Renée Zellweger returns to the...